Village Christian Academy

Parent Partners

The goal of a Village Christian Academy is to equip children to have excellent study habits and a strong work ethic so that they will be independent and successful in college. Parents begin as co-teachers and then move to a more tutor-type role as a transitional co-teacher. Next, parents serve as a coach and finally as a guide for independent study. The time parents spend on direct instruction and supervision will gradually decrease grade by grade as students become more independent.
Courses that require a Co-Teacher role are primarily in the Elementary School. Responsibilities may be divided between the classroom teacher and the parent-teacher at home. These responsibilities include re-teaching when necessary, supervising home study completion and monitoring quality. The classroom teacher provides detailed plans and expects the parent-teacher to assist the student and instruct when needed.
During these grades, the parent transitions from the role of Co-Teacher to that of a Guide for Dependent Study. When this transition takes place depends upon the individual student’s level of maturity and responsibility. Parents and classroom teachers need to communicate effectively and work together to ensure that this transition takes place smoothly.
This role usually applies to parents with children in grades 7 through 10 but may also apply to some students in 5th and 6th grades. Several academic courses at this level begin to cover subject matter that is unfamiliar to many parents and may require private tutoring from someone other than the parent. At the same time, the student is at a dependent age where disciplined study habits must be developed through positive encouragement and through the student’s growing awareness of personal consequences. In order for the student to be successful, the classroom teacher is dependent upon the parent to make certain that the student keeps up with the course assignments and communicates with the teacher if difficulties arise.
Most academic courses at the 11th and 12th grade levels require this role for parents. Here the parents have the opportunity to supervise the progress of their students’ independent schoolwork and provide any additional guidance they may need before entering college. Courses offered at this level will mimic that of a junior college program or higher where independent study and research skills, time management skills, a strong work ethic and self-discipline are essential.
Note: Parent Roles and Descriptions adapted from Character Driven College Preparation by Dr. John W. Turner, Jr.