Village Christian Academy


SC Homeschool Law


Village Christian Academy has chosen to remain a homeschool hybrid school for various reasons.
South Carolina Homeschool Law States:
Parents or guardians may choose to homeschool their children instead of enrolling them in a public, private, or parochial school.
South Carolina statutes provide parents or guardians with three different options for homeschooling their children.
What does this mean?
In order to fulfill legal requirements as a homeschooler, parents must register their students with an Option 2 or Option 3 Accountability Group.
There are several option 3 groups to choose from, and we will help guide you in making your choice.
Depending on enrollment, Village Christian Academy will become our own Option 3 Accountability group. This is an option, not a requirement for our families with elementary and middle school students. High school students enrolling in the full program will be required to join the Village Christian Academy accountability group if applicable. The VCA Accountability group will only be available to students attending the Academy.
Village Christian Academy’s Accountability Group, if formed, will operate under Section 59-65- 47 and will be an “Option 3” Accountability Group.


By remaining a homeschool hybrid school, students are eligible to participate in all sports for their zoned elementary, middle or high school. Contact your school district to fill out necessary paperwork.
Providence Athletic Club (“PAC”) is an organization that provides competitive high school level sports opportunities for home educated athletes in the Columbia, South Carolina region. We compete against local area public, private, and home educated athletic teams. Check out the PAC website for a list of offered sports.